Project Objectives & Goals
Project Goals
- Restore natural riverine ecosystem structure and functions to Sullivan Creek in the Mill Pond reach.
- Improve habitat availability, connectivity, and quality for native fish populations in the Sullivan Creek Watershed.
Project Objectives
- Remove both the concrete and log crib dams and artificial foundations to facilitate natural stream functions in Sullivan Creek. Remedy any barrier to upstream fish passage caused by the construction, operation, or removal of Mill Pond Dam (not including any natural barriers that may be present at the site).
- Support federal, state, and local permitting processes by developing technical documents that analyze/model sediment removal by natural stream erosion and potentially include mechanical erosion supplementation to reduce construction and environmental impacts and duration of impacts.
- After removal of the dams, restore the suite of riverine ecosystem processes (including natural fluvial, sediment transport, riparian and floodplain processes) within the Affected Area to its pre-dam condition to the extent possible. The Affected Area shall include the stream channel, floodplain, and upland areas, from immediately downstream of Mill Pond Dam to Outlet Creek, and shall include any areas impacted by restoration or construction activity.
- Complete the construction activities within a 5-year period.
- Minimize future maintenance requirements to the extent possible.
Project Design Criteria
- Minimize the extent and duration of construction impacts on native fish populations, other organisms and water quality.
- Utilize material removed from the dam structures to the extent possible in the stream restoration process.
- Minimize requirements for permanent grade control structures (e.g., riprap, vanes, and weirs) in project area stream channel system and in associated wetlands.
- Maximize the ability of the river to restore and maintain its natural channel morphology through fluvial, sediment, and floodplain processes.
- Restore recreational opportunities for local residents and visitors within the Mill Pond project area,
- Promote the local community during construction by communicating project information during design and construction; using local suppliers, subcontractors and labor as feasible; and supporting local businesses.